The International Conference «Social Sciences Today: Current Issues and New Horizons»
The International Conference «Social Sciences Today: Current Issues and New Horizons» will be held at Tomsk State University, Faculty of Philosophy on 21-22 April 2017 in Tomsk, Russia.
We call for papers from undergraduates, PhD students, and junior faculty. We welcome your active participation.
English-Speaking Session. “Scholarly Writing and Presentation”
Trends and prospects in modern social reality development
Philosophy and methodology of science
History of philosophy, logic and philosophy of language
Philosophical problems of the arts and sciences
Sociology today
Prospects for political science: Russian and world experience
Hot topics in social work theory and practice
Humanitarian information science: a study of the information society and the social problems of informatization
Please fill out the application form ( or send the letter to the curator.
Abstracts should be 300 words maximum. Abstracts received after the deadline of 10 April 2017 will not be considered.
Contacts: 8, Moskovsky trakt, Tomsk, 634050, Russia; Tel.: +7 (3822) 527 335; Http:\\; E-mail: