International research and practice conference “MOOCs in the context of modern education: towards the digital university”
National Research Tomsk State University is holding an international research and practice conference “MOOCs in the context of modern education: towards the digital university” and 5th Siberian School “Massive open online courses: design, promotion, and application”, 17–19 April, 2017.
Conference events are aimed at searching for possible solutions to today’s challenges in online pedagogy and developing the eLearning system; discussing the prospects of MOOCs in light of the digital universities that are being established; and defining and analyzing methods of enhancing the quality of eLearning.
The conference participants will be able to:
unleash the teaching principles of open education,
extend their understanding of the impact that eLearning has on educational and research processes in a university,
analyze national practices of integrating MOOCs into the institutions of professional education,
define crucial effectiveness indicators and the prospects for using open online courses in their activity
develop their own model of integrating MOOCs into a learning process (university, school, or career colleges).
April 17 – 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+06:00)
Tomsk State University, 36 Lenina Pr., Tomsk, Russia 634050
Arenkina Ekaterina ( – all conference events, hotel reservations
Phone: +7 (3822) 52-94-94 or +7 (3822) 53-44-33