International research and practice conference “MOOCs in the context of modern education: towards the digital university”

April 17–19, 2017

National Research Tomsk State University is holding an international research and practice conference “MOOCs in the context of modern education: towards the digital university” and 5th Siberian School  “Massive open online courses: design, promotion, and application”, 17–19 April, 2017.

Conference events are aimed at searching for possible solutions to today’s challenges in online pedagogy and developing the eLearning system; discussing the prospects of MOOCs in light of the digital universities that are being established; and defining and analyzing methods of enhancing the quality of eLearning.

The conference participants will be able to:

  • unleash the teaching principles of open education,

  • extend their understanding of the impact that eLearning has on educational and research processes in a university,

  • analyze national practices of integrating MOOCs into the institutions of professional education,

  • define crucial effectiveness indicators and the prospects for using open online courses in their activity

  • develop their own model of integrating MOOCs into a learning process (university, school, or career colleges).


April 17 – 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+06:00)


Tomsk State University, 36 Lenina Pr., Tomsk, Russia 634050


Arenkina Ekaterina ( – all conference events, hotel reservations

Phone: +7 (3822) 52-94-94 or +7 (3822) 53-44-33

Registration deadline: 04/10/2017 12:00:00 am
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