III International Field Workshop «Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleobiogeocenoses of the Northern hemisphere»

July 15 – 30 (Module 1), August 4 – September 3 (Module 2)

The field workshop «Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleobiogeocenoses of the Northern hemisphere» will be held within the framework of the main activity of the Laboratory of Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental ecosystems (TSU, Faculty of Geology and Geography).

Dates: July 15 – 30 (Module 1), August 4 – September 3 (Module 2)

Language: English, Russian

Target group: international students, researchers and professors

Application deadline: May 25, 2017 (Module 1), June 15 (Module 2)

Topics: paleontological, stratigraphic and paleogeographic methods of field research

Short description of the school:

The Laboratory does interdisciplinary research of Mesozoic and Cenozoic biogeocenoses, abiotic and biotic relationships, problems of extinction and survival of organisms. The field works will be carried out on paleontological sites, natural and artificial geological sections. There will be lectures and practical training in the methods of excavations and basic principles of taphonomic and paleoecological analyses, stratigraphic and paleogeographic research.

The workshop will consist of two local modules:

1. The Chulym River basin (Achinsk, Bol’shoy Uluy, Kozul’ka districts of Krasnoyarsk territory; the field workshop area is 500–600 km away from Tomsk). The territory of research includes dinosaur and mammoth fauna sites (Berezovaya Rechka, Krasnaya Rechka and others), important Mesozoic (Bol’shoy Ilek) and Pleistocene geological sections of the Chulym River and its tributaries. We have a boat trip planned as a part of this module.

2. The undrained lake basin of the Baraba lowland (Kargat, Barabinsk, Chany districts of Novosibirsk province; the field worskshop area is 500–600 km away from Tomsk). The territory of research includes Volchia Griva, one of the largest mammoth fauna site comprising Paleolithic artifacts, and Pleistocene geological sections of the Om’ River and Lake Chany.

Summer school schedule preliminary:

Module 1: July 15 – 30 (the field period is 12 days);

Module 2: August 4 – September 3 (the field period is 26 days). The schedule of the module is flexible. Students may join Module 2 after the start date of the programme and may withdraw prior to the module’s end date. In this case, however, the cost of individual transportation is the responsibility of the attendee.

The workshop will be held in field camps in taiga and forest-steppe zones. There will be an expedition bathhouse (Russian banya) available on site. All the participants are expected to take turns at cooking as catering is not provided. The school programme will also include excursions in Tomsk, safety trainings, supplies purchase, and field equipment preparation (three days before and two days after the fieldwork period).

Cell phone service:

Stable (several mobile phone service providers)

Desirable vaccination:

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination. If the participants are not vaccinated, there will be medication available on site.


International Students Services Centre, Tomsk State University, Buyanovsky Lane, Office 15, Tomsk, Russia, 634050; tsusummerschool@mail.ru, http://studentcenter.tsu.ru/, phone: +7 (3822) 785-606

Contact person at the faculty: Sergey V. Leshchinskiy, sl@ggf.tsu.ru

Registration deadline: 05/25/2017 12:00:00 am
III International field workshop Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleobiogeocenoses.pdf