9th Annual Symposium & Exhibition "Relate North 2021: Everyday Extremes"

November 11–12, 2021
The virtual symposium and exhibition "Relate North 2021: Everyday Extremes" is a collaboration between the University of the Arctic’s Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design thematic network (ASAD), National Research Tomsk State University, and University of Lapland.

This will be the ninth symposium in the series hosted by ASAD. The ASAD network aims to identify and share innovative practices in learning, teaching, research and knowledge exchange in the fields of art, design and visual culture education. The network promotes cooperation and collaboration between academic institutions and communities with the purpose of working towards a shared understanding of critical issues relevant to people living in the north/

For further information about ASAD: asadnetwork.org

University of the Arctic: uarctic.org


  • Symposium: 11 or 12 November 2021

  • Symposium side events (online): Pecha Kucha, online tour around Tomsk downtown, etc.

  • Exhibition: 10 November – 31 December 2021 (or permanent web-address)

  • Exhibit Opening Reception (online): 10 November

Symposium and exhibition theme

In addition to the broad concerns outlined above, Relate North: Everyday Extremes will focus on a more specific perspective of human and non-human wellbeing in the Arctic region. The concept of extremes aims to highlight and describe the particular sensitivity that enables and supports creative and sustainable interaction between human/non-human actors and the everchanging, severe, environment of the Arctic. Moreover, with the current speed of climate change, when the notion of the extreme environment is to be expanded towards most parts of the "Spaceship Earth" in the next 20-50 years, the challenges of nature and their social and cultural implications will call for a creative response. In search of visions and insights, along with locally appropriate solutions, we will focus on the wider perspective of collaborative practices in design, art, research and education within the Arctic region. This includes art and design projects within and between communities, schools, universities, and business, culture, tourism and wellbeing.

The exhibition call is open to artists, designers and makers using any media in traditional and/or contemporary art & design, in addition to presentations of community-based work, environmental art, or art education projects. Please note that the symposium will be held online in a webinar format with a virtual exhibition.


  • Timo Jokela, Professor of Art Education, University of Lapland. Chair of Thematic Network of Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design
  • Svetlana Usenyuk-Kravchuk, Senior Research Fellow, Siberian Design Centre, Tomsk State University
  • Glen Coutts, Professor of Applied Visual Arts (Education), Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland
  • Sofia Prokopova, Junior Research Fellow, Siberian Design Centre, Tomsk State University


Anastasia Voronina, Junior Research Fellow, Siberian Design Centre, Tomsk State University

Please complete and return the following CONTRIBUTOR APPLICATION FORM by e-mail to timo.jokela@ulapland.figlen.coutts@gmail.com and arctic@siberia.design.


Registration deadline: 08/30/2021 05:03:00 pm