BIO-GEO-CLIM – "Biogeochemical Cycles of Arctic Bog-lake Landscapes of Western Siberia as an Indicator of Climate Change on a Global Scale and a Basis for the Sustainable Nature Management of the Region"
A scientific research project supported with a monetary grant awarded by the Government of the Russian Federation under a grant competition designed to provide governmental support to scientific research projects implemented under the supervision of the world's leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher learning (Resolution of the RF Government No.220 of April 9, 2010).
- Summary of the project activities implemented in 2013-2015 (.doc)
- Articles published in scientific journals referenced in the Web of Science database in 2013-2015 (.doc)
- Monographs (chapters in monographs) published in 2013-2015 and authored by the project team members (.doc)
- Grants received in 2013-2015 that are managed by the project team members (.doc)
- Summary of the project activities planned for implementation in 2016-2017 (.doc)