3D printing of bones and organs - a new programme at TSU


Scientists at TSU and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS) will develop a new complex programme for the technological platform Medicine of the Future. Such a decision was made at the forum "Army-2017", which held a roundtable on additive technologies in medicine whose participants discussed two key topics: bioprinting tissues and organs and new materials for traumatology and orthopedics. To ensure a breakthrough in these areas, civil and military research centres decided to act within the framework of a joint project - a full-cycle programme.

The roundtable participants shared the latest developments in creating new materials for the restoration of human biological tissues. ISPMS SB RAS and TSU showed colleagues implants from nanoceramics, the result of joint work. They have already begun to be used in Russian medicine. In August 2017, Tomsk specialists at the Tomsk National Research Medical Centre conducted an operation to close a defect of the patient's bone tissue with the help of such an implant, for the first time in the country.

Read more: http://en.tsu.ru/news/3d-printing-of-bones-and-organs-a-new-programme-at-tsu/