TSU has created a new technology for rehabilitating cancer patients


Staff at the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Oncology of the Tomsk Scientific and Technical Center, the first such center in Russia, have begun reconstructive and reparative operations for facial bone loss using 3D implants made of nanoceramics. The implant developers are scientists at the Laboratory of Medical Materials Science, which includes staff from the University, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS), and the Institute of Oncology. At the Laboratory, materials scientists make the designs that oncology surgeons use in the most complex clinical cases.

- Most often technical difficulties arise when working with the upper jaw, due to specific features of its anatomical structure,- says Denis Kulbakin, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Oncology of Tomsk National Research Medical Center. - The upper jaw has many bends, so it is impossible to fill in a missing fragment at the expense of the patient's “native” tissues.

Read more: http://en.tsu.ru/news/tsu-has-created-a-new-technology-for-rehabilitating-cancer-patients/