DESY will test six sensors of TSU radiophysicists


Radiophysicists sent six sensors based on gallium arsenide manufactured at TSU to the German national synchrotron center DESY (Hamburg). The sensors will check for sensitivity to X-rays and uniformity of characteristics over the entire area and will then be used in a prototype of a unique research instrument - a Compton X-ray microscope for studying biological objects.

In 2018, a joint project of scientists from TSU and DESY was supported by the competition of the Helmholtz Association and the Russian Science Foundation (RSF). Within three years, they will develop the world's first prototype Compton X-ray Microscopy, which will be useful in studying cellular structures, tissues, and long protein molecules. Modern instrumentation basis of such studies is electron microscope. They use a beam of high-energy electrons and this can lead to rapid destruction of the object of study due to electron bombardment. In the Compton X-ray Microscopy, the influence is weaker, the destruction will be slower, and this will increase the time to study the object.

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