TSU scientists create a device to control the structure of radio waves


A radio emission is divided into the zone near and far from the source, and TSU radiophysicists have learned to increase the near zone. This method can be used to create devices for radar and noninvasive diagnostics of human internal organs and various diseases. Scientists have developed a device for controlling the near-field radio emission, and the findings are presented in an article in the Journal of Applied Physics

- There are a lot of media that absorb radio waves and transform them into heat, for example, water, earth, and iron. It is almost impossible to probe them using radio waves. Even Popov, the founder of radio, was the first to encounter the fact that radio waves could not overcome obstacles, and since then radar began to develop. It turned out that with radio waves, it was possible to determine the presence of metal objects in fog, behind clouds, and beyond the horizon, - says TSU professor Vladimir Yakubov.

Read more: http://en.tsu.ru/news/tsu-scientists-create-a-device-to-control-the-structure-of-radio-waves/