Scientists will see how the body heals the brain after a stroke


TSU neuroscientists, using a new noinvasive method, were the first in the world to trace the death and recovery of nerve cells and axons after a brain stroke. The data were obtained in a rat model of ischemic stroke. Using a new approach to MRT (magnetic resonance tomography), the researchers tracked changes in the brains of animals that survived a vascular accident for three months. They found that the new axons were trying to restore the lost connection between nerve cells.

The diagnostic technology created in the TSU Laboratory of Neurobiology under the supervision of Vasily Yarnykh, its scientific advisor, professor at TSU and the University of Washington, became a tool for research. Using special procedures for the mathematical processing of MRT data, the scientists obtained myelin maps - images of the brain, reflecting the number of sheaths of nerve fibers in the same way as the terrain is depicted on geographical maps. Myelin maps reveal microscopic changes in brain matter that cannot be detected with conventional MRT.

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