Scientists have studied tumor-associated macrophages in cancers


The TSU Laboratory of Translational Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine has summarized the results of their research and analyzed all the data available on the role of reprogrammed immune cells in the development of breast, colon, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancer. This data will help clinicians find new targets for immunotherapy and personalize therapies for patients, which can not only increase survival but also improve the chances of a complete cure. The article was published in the highly-ranked journal Frontiers in Oncology.

- Macrophages are one of the main defenders of our body, - says Irina Larionova, candidate of medical sciences, a staff member of the TSU Laboratory of Translational Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine and, junior researcher at the Research Institute of Oncology of the Tomsk Research and Development Center. - It is macrophages that play an important role in the body's adequate response to the invasion of any foreign agents, including cancer cells. But a tumor can reprogram macrophages. Then the immune cells change their phenotype to a pro-tumor one and become no longer defenders, but enemies, because tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) help the malignant neoplasm to grow and metastasize (they form secondary foci).

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