Psychological health and personal safety will be discussed at TSU
The VIII Siberian Psychological Forum "The Human World in the focus of psychological metapractics" will be held at Tomsk State University in November. The forum participants will discuss modern psychological practices in the context of strengthening the health and psychological well-being of the individual and identify effective psychological technologies to improve the safety of human life.
Tomsk State University is the organizer of the Siberian Psychological Forum, and the Faculty of Psychology will host the forum. This year the forum is timed to the anniversary dates – the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology of TSU and the 75th anniversary of teaching psychology in Tomsk: the specialization in psychology was opened in 1947 at the Faculty of History and Philology of Tomsk State University within the Department of Russian language, Logic and Psychology.
At the VIII Siberian Psychological Forum, experts will discuss the problems of cognitive psychology in modern fundamental and applied research; human psychological health in a transforming world; new dimensions of human psychological security. Participants are also invited to discuss the psychological possibilities and limitations of using digital technologies in education; psychological potential and trends of successful professionalization of a modern person; psychological and pedagogical aspects of personal development and socialization in the BANI world.
"Our forum will bring together leading researchers and practicing psychologists who will discuss issues of psychological health and safety, challenges associated with the use of digital technologies, the development of psychological potential and other issues. According to the established tradition, the V Siberian Youth Psychological Forum will be held within the framework of the forum – a platform for young researchers and novice specialists," says Dmitry Balanev, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of TSU.
Tomsk State University invites research psychologists, postgraduates, practical psychologists, educational psychologists, specialists of psychological services to participate in the forum. The event will also be of interest to social educators, teaching staff of educational organizations and research teams of Russian and foreign universities.
Sections and presentations will be held in the formats of sectional and plenary reports, round tables and master classes. The working languages of the forum are Russian and English.
You can register for participation in the VIII Siberian Psychological Forum, download the questionnaire and application form by the link until September 15, learn more about the conditions of participation on the website of the Faculty of Psychology of TSU.