Laboratory for Human Ontogenetics

Vadim A. Stepanov
Population genomics in Siberia and the genomic basis of human pathology.
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia; 
Phone: +7 3822 513-146

Areas of Research

  • Systematic search for signals of natural selection in human genome, connected with adaptation to the climatic-geographical conditions during settlement of modern man in Siberia, and revelation of adaptive genetic variants using genome-wide genotyping technologies and exom screening by next generation massively parallel sequencing technologies (NGS).

  • Revealing genetic markers of neuro-psychiatric diseases using high capacity genome technologies.

  • Analysis of global level of DNA methylations and revelation of particular differential-methylated gene locuses in the samples of atherosclerotic affected and non-affected arteries under atherosclerosis.

  • Analysis of number of mitochondrial DNA copies variability under atherosclerosis and in connection with global level of human genome methylations.

  • Mapping of cognitive impairment genes in patients with idiopathic mental deficiency by sequenation of entire genomes (exoms).

  • Identification of new autosomal recessive mutations in genes, associated with intellectual dysfunctions, manifested in patients with mircodeletion syndromes as a consequence of hemizygous condition formation and analysis of pathogenic importance of discovered mutations using PCR in the real time and new generation sequenation.

  • Development of new genetic test systems for medicine on the basis on genome technologies.

  • Training of highly qualifies specialists and students, development of new lecture courses and improvement of existing ones.


  1. The Research Institute for Medical Genetics SB RAMS (Tomsk, Russia);

  2. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia);

  3. Research Institute for complex issues of cardiovascular diseases (Kemerovo, Russia);

  4. Laboratory of modern anthropology, Fudan University (Shanghai, PRC);

  5. Bioinformatics division, Department of preventive medicine, University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA);

  6. Chair of medical genetics, Department of gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics, University of Bologna (Italy);

  7. Department of human and medical genetics, Vilnius University (Lithuania);

  8. Department of clinical genetics, Glasgow hospital (Scotland);

  9. Department of clinical genetics, Copenhagen University Hospital (Danemark).

  • QS subject

  • Medicine
  • Biological Sciences

Visiting professors

Valery Pavlovich Puzyrev
DM, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Research Institute for Medical Genetics SB RAMS

Laboratory Staff

Stepanov Vadim Anatolievich
Doctor of Science (Biology)
Laboratory for Human Ontogenetics
Position (concurrent employment)
Department (concurrent employment)
Department of Cytology and Genetics
Population genomics in Siberia and human pathology genomic basis