III Conference «Social Sciences & Health Innovations: Making Health Public»

May 22–24, 2017

III conference «Social Sciences & Health Innovations: Making Health Public» will be held at Tomsk State University on 22-24 May 2017 in Tomsk, Russia.

Social sciences play a central role in analysing public health innovations’ dynamics and for understanding the corresponding challenges. This conference examines the complexities of making health public by engaging the perspectives of the social sciences, including science and technology studies (STS), medical anthropology, sociology and history. Furthermore, it is meant to serve as a platform to facilitate dialogue between social and biomedical scientists, public health professionals and policy makers, and for engagement between scholars and practitioners working in the field of health innovations in the post-Soviet region and globally. The conference considers public health-related innovations on different levels (from the community level to national programmes and global efforts) and of different kinds (conceptual, organisational, political).

Download Programme

Registration deadline: 05/22/2017 09:15:00 am
Full_programme_11.05.17 copy.docx