
April 22-23, 2021
XVII International School-Conference "Innovatika-2021"

TSU invites students, postgraduates and young scientists to participate in XVII annual International School-Conference "Innovatika-2021" which will be held on April 22-23, 2021 in an online format.

The conference provides an environment for sharing, exchanging, and discussing new ideas related to a wide range of issues in modern education, science and research.

The conference will host the competition for youth interdisciplinary innovative projects.

Students of secondary schools, colleges and lyceums with their innovative research and engineering projects and developments are also invited to participate in the conference.

Conference is organized by:

  • National Research Tomsk State University

  • Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

  • Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

  • A.M. Prokhorov’s Academy of Engineering Science

  • International scientific and technical organization "Laser Association"

  • Tomsk Regional Organization of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers


Conference scientific directions:

  • Innovative developments and prospects for their commercialization

  • Commercialization of the results of intellectual activity

  • Research of infrastructure for support of innovations

  • Training of personnel for innovative activities

  • Management of innovative projects

  • Concepts and models of product and service quality management

  • Digital transformation of socio-economic relations

  • Social problems of the information society and innovation.


Conference sections:

  • Innovative Technologies and Projects (in Russian)

  • Quality Control (in Russian)

  • Information Technology of the Digital Society (in Russian)

  • Innovative Activity: the Unity of Education, Science and Practice (in Russian)

  • Innovation Technologies in Education, Production and Business (in English).


English-language section includes the following formats of participation:

  • oral report;

  • oral report + paper publication;

  • video presentation.


Organizing Committee:

National Research Tomsk State University, Faculty of Innovative Technologies.

36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia, Tel.: +7 (3822) 529 498



Alexey Poguda, Executive Secretary:,

Sergey Minkov, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

Conditions for participation and registration are available at the Conference website

Working languages: Russian and English.

Proceedings of the conference are published in an electronic form as a collection of materials posted in the electronic library Google Books and on the portal of the Electronic Scientific Library ( with indexing in the RSCI.



Program committee:

  1. Anatoly Soldatov, Chairman, Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk), Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences

  2. Sergey Minkov, Co-Chairman, Head of Department, FIT TSU (Tomsk)

  3. Georgy Mayer, President of TSU (Tomsk), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

  4. Nikola Sabotinov, Academician of the BAN (Sofia, Bulgaria);

  5. Ivan Kovsh, President of the International Scientific and Technical Organization "Laser Association"

  6. Vladimir Ochkin Professor, Chief Researcher of FIAN (Moscow), Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences;

  7. Edward Galazhinsky, Rector of TSU (Tomsk), Academician of the Russian Academy of Education;

  8. Alexander Vorozhtsov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Activities of TSU (Tomsk);

  9. Viktor Rulevsky, Rector of TUSUR (Tomsk);

  10. Alexander Shelupanov, President of TUSUR (Tomsk);

  11. Alexander Turlov, Chairman of the Committee for Innovation of the Department for the Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Tomsk Region;

  12. Grigory Kazmin, regional representative of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology in the Tomsk Region;

  13. Anachack Phongtraychack, Head of Department, Ministry of Science and Technology, Vientiane, Lao PDR,

  14. Gufana Narimanova, Dean of FIT TUSUR (Tomsk);

  15. Maria Kostina, Associate Professor, FIT TUSUR (Tomsk);

  16. Edward Sosnin, professor, Senior Researcher, ISE SB RAS (Tomsk)

  17. Vladimir Syryamkin, Head of the Department, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  18. Stanislav Shidlovsky, Dean of FIT TSU (Tomsk).

  19. Nikolay Shaparev, Professor, Chief Researcher, ICM SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk), Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences 

Organizing Committee:

  1. Anatoly Soldatov, Chairman, Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk), Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences;

  2. Sergey Minkov, Deputy Chairman, Head of Department, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  3. Alexey Poguda, Executive Secretary, Associate Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  4. Anna Vasilyeva, Senior Lecturer, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  5. Olga Vusovich, Associate Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  6. Svetlana Kvesko, Associate Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  7. Michail Golovatov, Head of Science, Technology and Technology Innovation Department, TSU (Tomsk);

  8. Gufana Narimanova, Dean of FIT TUSUR (Tomsk);

  9. Maria Kostina, Associate Professor, FIT TUSUR (Tomsk);

  10. Nikolay Yudin, Professor, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  11. Tatyana Rumyantseva, Senior Lecturer, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  12. Yana Chaplinskaya, Senior Lecturer, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  13. Irina Larioshina, Head of Department, TPU (Tomsk)

  14. Larisa Chausova, Head of Laboratory, FIT TSU (Tomsk)

  15. Galina Tsoi, Head of the Department for Support of Educational Programs, TSU (Tomsk);

  16. Tatyana Baigulova, assistant, FIT TUSUR (Tomsk);

  17. Nikolay Uvarov, Postgraduate, FIT TSU (Tomsk);

  18. Majdi Musallam, Postgraduate, FIT TSU (Syria)

  19. Hussein Baalbaki, Postgraduate, FIT TSU (Syria)

  20. Bui Hoang, student, FIT TSU (Vietnam)

Registration deadline: 04/22/2021 03:06:00 pm
From 6 to 10 October 2020
6th International Scientific School-Conference of Young Scientists “Catalysis: from Science to Industry”

From 6 to 10 October 2020, the 6th International Scientific School-Conference of Young Scientists “Catalysis: from Science to Industry” will be held at Tomsk State University in the distance format. The School-Conference has been held since 2011 by the TSU Laboratory of Catalytic Research as a regular event dedicated to current trends in fundamental and applied catalysis.

The school's topics cover the scientific foundations of catalyst preparation and mechanisms, kinetics and modeling of catalytic reactions, and promising areas for the development of catalysis and implementation of catalytic processes.

As part of the conference, the Russian Science Foundation school “New Catalysts and Catalytic Processes for Solving the Problems of Environmentally Friendly and Resource-Saving Energy” was organized. Participants will discuss, among other things, the processing of biorenewable raw materials and the processes of neutralization of emissions from chemical industries and energy.

The scientific program of the School-Conference includes lectures by leading scientists, in particular:

  • Leonarda F. Liotta, Instituto per Lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, Palermo, Italia, “Ni/CeO2-based catalysts for CO2 methanation reaction: Insights into promotion effects”,

  • Evgeny Pidko, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, “Operando computational modeling of catalytic systems”,

  • Andrey Karpov, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany, “Catalysts for a Sustainable Future”.

The detailed program can be found at and

The events of the School-Conference will be held in English.

Registration deadline: 08/31/2020 11:27:00 am
January 25-February 9, 2020
Norwegian-Russian Winter School "Experimental advanced fluorescence spectroscopy of organic molecules and biological systems"
January 25-February 9, 2020 Tomsk State University invites to participate in the Norwegian-Russian Winter School "Experimental advanced fluorescence spectroscopy of organic molecules and biological systems". The school program includes lectures, practical exercises, laboratory work and covers the following topics:
  1. Fluorescence spectroscopy of molecules and organic metal complexes

  2. Multiphoton microscopy and machine learning of biosystem. Visualization of biological tissues

  3. Interaction-induced electric properties of the van der Waals complexes

  4. Multiphoton fluorescence excitation: new spectral windows for biological nonlinear microscopy

  5. Measurement and Modeling of Air Broadened Methane Absorption in the MERLIN Spectral Region at Low Temperatures

  6. FTIR spectroscopy

  7. Confocal microscopy

  8. Photonics. Photophysical properties. The rate constants of radiative and radiationless electronic transitions


The school is organized jointly by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Oslo (Norway), St. Petersburg University (Russia), Tomsk State University (Russia) and financially supported by the joint Norwegian-Russian scientific and educational project Optical Probe Sensors at Biological Environments (OPS@BE) for undergraduate and graduate students and young researchers.


No registration fee

Registration deadline: January 15th, 2020.

Registration form to be sent to: (Prof. Olga Tchaikovskaya)


A limited number of travel grants are available for undergraduate and graduate students from Europe. To apply for financial support please send a motivation letter to (Prof. Kenneth Ruud). The application deadline for financial support: December 31th, 2019



Prof. Kenneth Ruud, +47 90098353,

Prof. Olga Tchaikovskaya, +7 9059923299,

Vladimir Pomogaev, +7 96709514030,

Registration deadline: 01/15/2020 11:41:00 pm
September 11, 2019
Lecture “Nodding Off: Sleep and psychopathology” by Professor Alice Gregory (Psychology Department, Goldsmiths, University of London) on September 11, 2019

International Centre for Research into Human Development invites students, PhD students and faculty members to attend an invited lecture “Nodding Off: Sleep and psychopathology” by Professor Alice Gregory (Psychology Department, Goldsmiths, University of London) on September 11, 2019.

Sleep consumes a third of our lives, but we tend to only think about it when it is proving problematic. During the first half of the lecture background information will be provided about sleep. This will include information about what happens when we nod off, the functions of sleep and how much sleep we need. The second half of the lecture will focus on Professor Gregory’s main research area: the links between sleep and psychopathology. There will be a particular emphasis on the associations between the way we sleep and symptoms of anxiety and depression and the mechanisms underlying these associations.

The open lecture is given within the programme of academic mobility Erasmus+ between Goldsmths, University of London, and Tomsk State University.

Date and venue: September 11, 2019 from 16 35 to 18 10; TSU building 4, room 022.

Biog.: Alice Gregory first developed an interest in sleep research as a BA student of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford after watching a lecturer give a terrific talk on the topic. Following the completion of her degree, she studied in Japan for a year collecting cross-cultural data for her first publication in the field of sleep research. Upon her return she commenced her PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry using epidemiological and twin samples to learn more about the associations between sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression concurrently and longitudinally. Alice is now a professor at Goldsmiths, University of London. She has published over 100 papers and chapters, mainly focusing on sleep or associated traits. Her first book: Nodding Off: Sleep from Cradle to Grave was published by Bloomsbury in June 2018 and her second The Sleepy Pebble and Other Stories will be published by Flying Eye books next month.

Registration deadline: 09/11/2019 12:47:00 pm
September 6, 2019
International Conference: Justice in the Genomic and Digital Era

The international Centre for Research in Human Development, The Accessible Genetics Consortiom and the Institute of Law and Ethics invite to take part in the International Conference: "International Conference: Justice in the Genomic and Digital Era".

Date: September 6, 2019

Location: Tomsk State University

We are 20 years into the genomic era. The unprecedented progress in genetics internationally has brought numerous legal and ethical implications for individuals and society. Genetic findings are already widely used in medicine and are increasingly applied to other spheres, such as crime prevention, and educational and career selection. To protect individuals and science, updates to relevant laws are essential. To date, little progress has been made in regulating use of genetic information. Genetic science is complex, with research involving private and state sectors globally. Therefore, multidisciplinary and international efforts are required to achieve effective protection. This conference aims to bring together specialist in genetics, law and other disciplines to raise awareness of legal and ethical concerns and to promote progress in updating the legal protection.

More information is on the conference page:

Registration deadline: 09/06/2019 11:19:00 am
August 28 - September 8, 2019
Conference Large Igneous Provinces Through Earth History
The 7th international conference Large Igneous Provinces Through Earth History: Mantle Plumes, Supercontinents, Climate Change, Metallogeny and Oil-Gas, Planetary Analogues, organized by Faculty of Geology and Geography, Tomsk State University will be held on August 28 - September 8, 2019.
The main ideological inspirer of this event is Dr. Richard Ernst (Carleton University, Canada) - the author of over a hundred articles in leading scientific journals, head of the international council for the study of major ignorant provinces, head of the TSU Laboratory of Geochronology and Geodynamics.

Read more:

Registration deadline: 03/31/2019 11:31:00 pm
May 22–25, 2019
International Scientific Conference "Multifunctional chemical materials and technologies"

International Scientific Conference "Multifunctional chemical materials and technologies" is a scientific forum for promoting the basic research in the field of nanosystems and materials, environmental management, as well as chemical and analytical control and monitoring of substances, materials and objects in the environment.

We plan to consider issues related to the technology for creating, physicochemical studying and chemical analytical controlling of properties of substances, materials and objects of the environment, with friend-to-ecology and resource-saving methods for processing of natural and synthetic raw materials.
We are going to organize a competition of scientific reports of young scientists in the framework of the conference. 

  • Physical and chemical laws of creation and modification of multifunctional materials
  • Achievements in the field of producing, studying the properties of organic and inorganic substances and materials
  • High performance and resource saving methods for processing of natural and synthetic raw materials
  • Chemical-analytical control and monitoring of substances, materials and objects in the environment 
Address: 634050, Russia, Tomsk, 36, Lenin Avenue, National Research Tomsk State University, Chemistry Department, the Organizing Committee of the conference «Multifunctional chemical materials and technologies».
Tel./Fax: (3822) 423944
Executive Secretary: Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Department of National Research Tomsk State University Liudmila N. Mishenina.

Registration deadline: 03/11/2019 11:02:00 am
May 13-14, 2019
V International Scientific Conference "Slavic languages: Responding to New Challenges"
On May 13-14, 2019 Tomsk State University invites to participate in V International Scientific Conference "Slavic languages: Responding to New Challenges"

Main Topics
  • Historical and philological aspects of the Slavic languages
  • Language contacts
  • Sociolinguistic studies in the Slavic languages
  • Slavic languages in the light of new research paradigms
    • Subsession A. Cognitive studies
    • Subsession B. Discourse studies

Conference languages are Russian, English, and all Slavic languages.

Registration for participants is open up to April 1, 2019 at the conference site ( Deadline for abstract submission is  April 10, 2019. Abstracts should not exceed 2 500 – 3 000 characters including spaces.

Online participation (via Skype) is also possible.

Abstracts will be selected by the Program Committee after review. Notification of acceptance will be sent before April 16, 2019.

Organizing Committee Address: Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenina 36.

Conference site:

Contacts: Anastasia Bylina ( Please state "Slavic Languages Conference" as Subject.

Tel.: +7 (3822) 534 899.

Registration deadline: 04/01/2019 10:56:00 am
April 23–26, 2019
XVI International Conference "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development"
The XVI International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development" to be held on April 23–26, 2019 in Tomsk, Russia. Organizing committee cordially invites students, PhD students and young scientists (up to 35 years old) to participate in the conference. 



Physics: condensed matter physics; surface physics; accelerator physics; hydrogen energetic; geophysics; modeling of physical processes


Chemistry: synthesis and properties of functional materials; physicochemical analysis methods for materials; nanomaterials; ecology; organic synthesis; catalysis and petrochemistry


Mathematics: mathematical modeling and data analysis; mathematical methods in physics, chemistry, biophysics, biology, economics, medicine, psychology; mathematical logic and its applications; computational mathematics; differential equations; machine learning


Biology and Fundamental Medicine: anatomy and physiology (including pathological states); immunology; neurology and psychiatry; cell biology and histology; genetics; biochemistry and molecular biology; microbiology and virology; biophysics; biotechnologies; bioengineering; pharmacology and pharmacognosy; cybernetics and bioinformatics; biomaterials: in vitro and in vivo studies


Economics and Management: digital economics; institutional and industrial economics; innovation policy and entrepreneurship; tax policy and regulation; finance; money circulation and credit; accounting, analysis and audit; statistics; management, labor economics; mathematical and data methods in economics, management and business; development of state and municipal management system, multidisciplinary economic researches; international economic relations


Construction and Architecture: construction method; construction materials, products and constructions; nanotechnologies in construction; electrotechnics and electromechanics; engineering science and mechanics; engineering geology; architectural design technique; history and theory of architecture; restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage; design of architectural environment 

Within the framework of the session, the Contest of Architectural Projects "Red lines"will be organized in the following following categories:

  • "Private House"
  • "Architectural Environment Design"
  • "Architecture and Urban Planning"
  • "Second Life of Historical Buildings"


Information Technologies and Electronics: intelligent control systems; automated data processing and control systems; information security; nanoelectronics; production and research of nanomaterials; optoelectronics and nanophotonics; plasma emission electronics; intelligent power electronics; microwave electronics; systems of radiolocation, TV, radio, radiometry and wave propagation of radio frequency and acoustic bands; pulse and radio frequency measurements


Form of participation in the conference: oral presentation.

Working languages of the conference are Russian, English, German and French.

Conference proceedings will be posted on the conference website as an electronic collection and included in RSCI. Any paper accepted for presentation, which is not presented at the conference, will be excluded from the proceedings.

The best paper contest will be held in each session. A separate competition for the best report made in a foreign language will be held.

Contacts and other information:

Registration deadline: 03/01/2019 10:47:00 am
February 6 – 28, 2019
Exhibition of lifetime editions of the Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev

On February 6, at a ceremonial meeting of the scientific community in the conference hall of the Research Library, an exhibition of lifetime editions of the Dmitry Mendeleev, great Russian scientist, honorary member of Imperial Tomsk University, will be opened.

- This is a gift to the university community at once on several significant and memorable dates, - said Artyom Vasilyev, head of the Department of Manuscripts and Book Monuments of the TSU Research Library. – On February 8, we will celebrate the Day of Russian Science and the 185th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. The year 2019 also was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in honor of the 150thanniversary of the discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1869.

More about the exhibition:


September 10-15, 2018
17th International conference “Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling IТММ – 2018”
On September 10-15, 2018 Tomsk State University invites to participate in 17th International Conference named after A. F. Terpugov “Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling IТММ – 2018”.
Venue: Tomsk State University, 634050, Lenina ave. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation.
Conference Organizers:
  • Tomsk State University
  • Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
  • V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Conference Objectives:
– to discuss the latest research and hands-on results in the field of information technologies and mathematical modelling;
– to integrate scientific knowledge and practice;
– to define important advanced long-term directions of scientific research and practical developments;
– to enhance the role of higher educational institutions and scientific research organizations in establishing educational environment.

 The scientific program of IТММ includes:
– plenary sessions;
– parallel thematic sessions;
– round-table discussion.

The Conference will be held in conjuction with 12th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2018). For more information look at WRQ homepage.

The Conference also includes School for young scientists with lectures of leading specialists and scientists in information technologies and mathematical modeling.
Working languages: Russian and English.
Conference Web-site:

Important dates:
March 15 – April 30, 2018 Registration and uploading submissions
Up to May 31, 2018 Reviewing process
June 15, 2018 Camera-ready submissions

September 10, 2018 Arrivals day
September 11-14, 2018 Sessions
September 15, 2018 Departures day

Registration fee is equal to 150 Euro. If you plan to participate in both events (ITMM and WRQ), you may pay only one registration fee.
Information about how to make the payment will be presented later (nearby April 15, 2018).

Registration deadline: 04/15/2018 02:01:00 pm
September 3-5, 2018
XIV International Workshop «HEMs-2018» High Energy and Special Materials: Demilitarization, Antiterrorism and Civil Application
We are glad to announce the XIV International Workshop "HEMs-2018. High Energy and Special Materials: Demilitarization, Antiterrorism and Civil Application" organized with the support of the Strategic Academic Units "Institute of Smart Materials and Technologies". The Conference to be held on September 3-5, 2018, in National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia.


  • Nanoscience and nanotechnologies (including medicine, pharmaceutics and metallurgy)
  • Dual-purpose chemical substances and medico-biologic materials
  • 3D technologies
  • Scientific provision of solutions to antiterrorism problems
  • Development of HEMs, their features, diagnostics and combustion
  • Demilitarization / utilization / environmental safety of energetic systems
  • Special materials
  • Rocket motors for space systems, gas generators

Key dates

1 April 2018 – Registration until

15 May 2018 – Abstract submission deadline

1 June 2018 – Conference fee until

The official language of the conference is English.

Registration deadline: 04/02/2018 04:47:00 pm
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