Smart Materials and Technologies
Centre for Research in Materials and Technologies
The Centre develops technologies for new functional and constructional materials and studies them together with leading research organizations and scientific networks. New materials are used to design modern electronic and research equipment, and industrial technology.
The Centre works on:
- additive technologies (technologies and materials for 3D printers, organic synthesis based on microchannel systems, etc.);
- composite materials (polymer materials, polymeric membranes, metal materials, materials for the aerospace and energy industries, pigments that absorb RF and SHF; phosphors; fluorinated materials, technology
of UHMWPE-I, etc.).
- light nanostructured alloys based on aluminum, titanium and magnesium;
- low-tonnage production of multifunctional materials (low-tonnage chemical products, including for the pharmaceutical industry; synthesis of chemical substances for high-energy and pharmaceutical use);
- new materials for extreme conditions of the Arctic and Siberia;
- petrochemical and resource-saving technologies; and
- modeling and forecasting the properties of new materials and their technologies; designing models and methods of multilevel modeling of material properties.
Heads of the Centre
Valentin Parmon, Academician, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia – chairman of the Centre's Сouncil;
Vyacheslav Buznik, Academician, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow, Russia – co-chairman of the Centre's Сouncil;
Irina Kurzina, Professor, National Research Tomsk State University – director of the Centre;
Svetlana Barannikova, Professor, National Research Tomsk State University – scientific secretary.
Provision on the Center (.pdf)
Provision on the Center Direction (.pdf)
- Composition of the Council and Direction (.pdf)
- Research and experiments for chemical synthesis scale technology;
- Mathematical, economic and financial modeling;
- Development of production technology, module and equipment design engineering;
- Equipment installation, start-up and adjustment, test output;
- Product testing, approbation, and certification;
- Test output with following customer maintenance;
- Sales of technology/ small quantity commercial output.
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529621
Plasma and membrane technologies;
Technologies of the nuclear fuel cycle;
Physicochemistry and technology of nanosystems and materials;
Modeling automation of chemical processes.
2/4 Akademichesky Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: +7 (3822) 28 68 75
Address: 49, Arkadia Ivanova st., Tomsk, Russia
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
Office 230, Building 10
36 Lenin Ave.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529621
Address: 49, Arkadia Ivanova st., 634028 Tomsk, Russia
1 Novosobornaya Sq.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822533209
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529845
Siberian Physical-Technical Institute TSU
1 Novosobornaya Sq.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822531569; (+7) 9039555015.
Office 102–105
49 Arkadiy Ivanov St.
Tomsk State University
Tomsk, Russia
Phone: (3822) 420802
Latest News
- 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenina av. 36