Multifunctional Chemical Materials Lab

Vladimir V. Kozik
Photo-active nanomaterials for solar power engineering and biomedicine

Office 102–105
49 Arkadiy Ivanov St. 
Tomsk State University
Tomsk, Russia 
Phone: (3822) 420802

Areas of Research

  • Investigation of synthesis of the new generation of polyfunctional materials based on oxygen and nitrogen matrices and fluorine-containing compounds, including organic-inorganic hybrid composites, under microwave, chemical and thermal effects;
  • Development of new methods based on “soft chemistry”, including hydrothermal, microwave and sol-gel methods of synthesis, for the preparation of photo-, bio-, and catalytically active nanomaterials and composite materials with improved functional characteristics;
  • Сomposite materials and coverings for various purposes based on Ti(IV) and Ce(IV) oxides, and other wide bandgap semiconductors for solar energy, biomedicine and catalysis;
  • New hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials for designing photoelectrochemical converters and biomedical drugs.


  1. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, RAS (Moscow, Russia);
  2. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia);
  3. Institute of Solution Chemistry, RAS (Ivanovo, Russia);
  4. I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials, KSC RAS (Apatity, Russia);
  5. Lomonosov Moscow State University  (Moscow, Russia);
  6. Sveriges Lantbruks universitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Biocentre (Uppsala, Sweden);
  7. University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States of America);
  8. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) (Paris, France);
  9. International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS).


The Multifunctional Chemical Materials laboratory is:

1) a ground scientists from other organizations can use to carry out joint research on modern equipment in the framework of the laboratory’s scientific subjects;

2) a basis for scientific training on the subjects of the laboratory’s scientific research;

3) a theoretical and experimental platform students of the Faculty of Chemistry can use to get acquainted and learn to work on the newest equipment, to participate in ongoing research, to write their theses and to complete practical training;

4) a ground for special courses of the Inorganic Chemistry Department in Bachelor and Master Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Materials programmes.

The master programme in Inorganic Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry and Materials Chemistry profiles aims at training highly qualified specialists with fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of inorganic chemistry; with modern theoretical concepts of various sections of materials study, methods of synthesis, analysis of the structure and properties of substances and materials; capable of effective use of innovation in the chemical industry, science and education. Areas of professional activity of graduates are research, management, production, technological and pedagogical work connected with the use of chemical phenomena and processes, as well as with the development of new materials.




SE 400advanced Laser Ellipsometer (SENTECH InstrumentsGmbH, Germany)

Measurement of thickness and refractive index of film structures on various types of surfaces

Hitachi TM 3000 Scanning Electron Microscope with SwiftED3000 X-ray spectrum analyzer (Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation, Japan)

Study of surface morphology of various materials, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition of a sample

Rigaku MiniFlex 600 Diffractometer (Rigaku Corporation, Japan)

Qualitative and quantitative phase analysis of polycrystalline powder material

STA 449 C Jupiter Thermal Analyzer combined with QMS 403 C Aёolos Mass Spectrometer (NETZSCH, Germany)

Integrated thermal analysis (TG, DSC, DTG curves) with mass spectrometric detection of gaseous samples released during thermal decomposition of samples in real time)

MS-6 Microwave Unit (VOLTA, Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Hydrothermal-microwave synthesis of new materials, sample preparation and sample mineralization

Centre of Excellence

Smart Materials and Technologies
  • QS subject

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Materials Sciences

Visiting professors

Yu-Wen Chen
National Central University, Taiwan
Nanocatalysis Research Center

Laboratory Staff

Agafonov Aleksandr V.
Leading Researcher
Multifunctional Chemical Materials Lab
Biologically active materials; nanomaterials; sol-gel synthesis
Ivanov Vladimir K.
Doctor of Science (Chemistry)
Leading Researcher
Multifunctional Chemical Materials Lab
Cerium oxide (IV); titanium oxide (IV); nanodispersed materials; hydrothermal synthesis method; microwave method of synthesis; bioactive materials; sensitized solar cell
Kozik Vladimir Vasilievich
Doctor of Science (Engineering)
Head of Department
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Laboratory for Multifunctional Chemical Materials and Technologies
Photo-active nanomaterials for solar power engineering and biomedicine
Kozyukhin Sergey A.
Leading Researcher
Multifunctional Chemical Materials Lab
hybrid organic-inorganic materials; sensitized solar cells; nano-crystalline semiconductors; photovoltaics
Paukshtis Evgeniy A.
Leading Researcher
Multifunctional Chemical Materials Lab
Catalysts; photoactive nanomaterials

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