Centre of High Technology in Medicine
Room 10, 36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
Phone: +7 3822 534-519
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
Phone: +7 3822 55-60-14
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
Phone: +7 3822 513-146
17, 19-Guards Division st., Tomsk, 634045, Russia
Phone: +7 (3822) 41-34-57
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
2/4, Akademichesky Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
Phone: +7 3822 286-986
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
Phone: + 7 3822 529-724
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
36, Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia;
Phone: +7 3822 52-98-52
- Fundamental Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine Division
- Division of Innovative Materials for Regenerative Medicine
- Translational Oncology Division
- Translational Cardiovascular Division
International Centre for Research in Human Development
Olga Y. Bogdanova, Associate Professor, Unit of General and Educational Psychology, Psychology Department TSU
ILE brings together Lawyers, Scientists and Policymakers to work on interdisciplinary matters affecting justice.
ILE also provides professional training, consultation, reports and expert opinions in issues related to legal and ethical implications of genetics; decision making in a legal context; and other justice related matters.
The Institute collaborates with international partners, including in the UK, USA, China and Canada.
Centre for Research in Materials and Technologies
- Research and experiments for chemical synthesis scale technology;
- Mathematical, economic and financial modeling;
- Development of production technology, module and equipment design engineering;
- Equipment installation, start-up and adjustment, test output;
- Product testing, approbation, and certification;
- Test output with following customer maintenance;
- Sales of technology/ small quantity commercial output.

Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529621
Plasma and membrane technologies;
Technologies of the nuclear fuel cycle;
Physicochemistry and technology of nanosystems and materials;
Modeling automation of chemical processes.
2/4 Akademichesky Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: +7 (3822) 28 68 75
Address: 49, Arkadia Ivanova st., Tomsk, Russia
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
Office 230, Building 10
36 Lenin Ave.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529621
Address: 49, Arkadia Ivanova st., 634028 Tomsk, Russia
1 Novosobornaya Sq.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822533209
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Tomsk State University
36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822529845
Siberian Physical-Technical Institute TSU
1 Novosobornaya Sq.,
Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822531569; (+7) 9039555015.
Office 102–105
49 Arkadiy Ivanov St.
Tomsk State University
Tomsk, Russia
Phone: (3822) 420802
Centre for Research into Biota, Climate, and Landscape (BioClimLand)
The research done in 2013–2015 and the results obtained allowed the laboratory staff members to improve their positions in QS ranking in the field of Environmental Sciences, Earth & Marine Sciences, Chemistry and Geography and to create the favourable conditions for young researchers to be promoted.
The staff of the Laboratory comprises 84 employees. Basic infrastructure of the Laboratory is located in the building of the Research Institute of Biology and Biophysics of the TSU. The remote infrastructure of the Laboratory is represented by a meridional network of the research stations monitoring the environment in the following points: «Aktru» (the Altai Republic); «Kaybasovo» (Tomsk Region); «Khanymey» (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) «Severo-Komsomolskoye» (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). All the buildings are equipped with the necessary office and laboratory furniture and office automation equipment. The Laboratory has all the scientific equipment needed and the devices to do experiments in-situ.
During the project implementation in accordance with the declared research trend the Laboratory staff members developed and introduced 15 new educational courses; developed a new Master program «Siberian and Arctic study» (major 05.04.06 Environment and natural resource management) in English (the first recruitment will be in 2016); organized 30 scientific/scientific-educational events (conferences, schools and workshops).
Centre for Research in Semiconductor Materials and Technologies
Office 324,
Laboratory Building of SPhTI
28g Ulitsa Lytkina (Lytkin St.), Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: (+7) 3822 413-517

28g, Ulitsa Lytkina (Lytkin St.), Tomsk, 634045, Russia
SPhTI Laboratory Building
Phone: +7 3822 413989; +79539173430; +79059910610
Centre for Theoretical Physics
Office 226,
1 Novosobornaya Sq.,
Tomsk (SPhTI)
Phone: +7 3822 529-640
Office 128, SPhTI
1, Novosobornaya Sq., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Phone: +7 (3822) 529-021